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About Leslie

As a counselor, I've learned that using traditional and sometimes unexpected approaches when working with my clients, can yield very positive results. For some clients the philosophies and movement strategies of Aikido, a Japanese martial art, are a catalyst for moving beyond roadblocks and negative energy, to step toward the life they wish to lead.

Since 1995, I've been a National Certified Counselor and also a North Carolina Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor. My goal is to always apply my knowledge and experience as a counselor and martial artist to help my clients discover and use their strength, power and resources to find joy, fulfillment and purpose in their lives.

Leslie E. Kausch, M.Ed., LCMHC, NCC

  • M.Ed., The University of North Carolina at Greensboro

  • National Certified Counselor, since 1995

  • NC Licensed Professional Counselor since 1995 (#2073)

  • Leslie holds a fourth degree Black Belt  in Aikido with the Aikikai Foundation and has been practicing since 1992.

  • Instructor: Greensboro Kokokan Aikido since 1998



Counseling and

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As I work with my clients on problems they're facing, I encourage them to leverage what they have already figured out in their lives. I have found that people often have found the solution to a similar problem and I work to help them transfer this solution to their current problem. Aikido, the martial art of peace offers opportunities to strategically address physical challenges that sometimes replicate psychological issues.  Pairing strategic thinking with martial arts moves can engage clients' minds and bodies in ways that strengthen their responses to issues, mentally and physically. Clients have opportunities to engage in targeted movement based on Aikido through my practice. The photos below show a few of the Aikido concepts that I sometimes use to help strengthen my clients.  
Aikido assumes that you're facing more than one attacker at a time. In counseling a client may be dealing with multiple problems or challenges at once. Leslie is fending off two attackers in this exercise and this is similar to dealing with two simultaneous issues.
Each person in this photo is using a wooden staff, or jo, as a tool to teach students to protect their energy or intention in a more intentional and focused way. When people have a clear intention for themselves and focus effectively on resolving their issues,  they're in a stronger position to move in a positive direction.
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Gaining control of an out-of-control situation is sometimes essential.
De-escalation requires clear thinking, an effective strategy or two and fast implementation. Aikido helps prepare clients to take control when needed, with a nimble mind and quick action. 
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